You’ve got questions? We’ve got answers.
Here are a few common questions asked by our clients. If you have other questions, please feel free to contact us.
Why should I hire you and not a full time estimator?
Agtek is the industry standard for the sitework construction industry. It’s the Rolls-Royce of the takeoff world. Unfortunately, that standard, performance, and luxury carries with it a big price tag. The software, experience, and technician to make it work make it inaccessible. An Agtek technician alone will cost about $60,000/yr (not including insurance, taxes, vacations, health insurance…) plus the $28,000 to buy the software and the $1,000/yr for licensing. Smaller firms lack the capital to make such an investment and larger firms might not have the estimating capacity to bid that one extra project. Just like an expensive car, you get no benefit out of it unless you’re constantly using it. If you only have one or two jobs to bid every month, you still have to pay the tech & the software fees.
Hiring us eliminates the need for such a costly purchase and having an unused asset sitting in your office. You can call on us to assist you with all your estimating needs as they come up. Whether it’s one job/week or 10, we can help you scale your estimating as needed.
What is your customer base and how many do you have? I’m worried that you’ll be too busy to help me.
We have three main customer bases:
Small/family owned/disadvantaged businesses. These businesses don’t have the capital to invest in a full time estimator. We assist these businesses by providing full estimates as needed. Sometimes it will be one time a week sometimes it will be three times a week.
Medium to large firm. Even with an estimating department, you still can’t bid every job. Sometimes you’ll have a full bid calendar and then that one job comes in, but you don’t have anyone to do the takeoff or bid it. That’s where we can help. We can do a full takeoff and you can complete the estimate using your software.
Developers, GC's, & engineers. These companies are more interested in the costs to build a project. Usually, we'll be provided a google map and a description of the project. If we're lucky, we get conceptual drawings of the project. The main goal is to come up with a rough order magnitude of quantities and costs.
We have served over 30 clients all over the United States and Canada. Due to the cyclical nature of the estimating process, we will cater to only a small handful of those clients in a given month so availability is rarely an issue.
Where do you work?
Anywhere there is dirt to be moved! We have worked in over 26 states and in Canada. The world is the limit. See our map for locations of our projects.
What experience do you have?
Our estimators have over 15 years of experience in the construction industry. We have assisted companies pursue projects of every scope and size from individual house lots to 20AC landfills, subdivisions, earthen & hydroelectric dams, reservoirs, public parks, subdivisions, commercial lots, car dealerships, schools, public utilities, office parks, warehouses, and several others.
I need a cost estimate for my projects, can you provide that as well?
Yes, If you need a detailed cost estimate, we can provide that as well. Forget about RS Means, that’s for average costs across the United States. You’re not average and you’re not across the United States. Our estimators will treat every job as a hard bid and provide crew assembly, production rates, and cost for labor, equipment, materials, and subcontractors catered to you and how you do business. We will build the estimate and customize it with your input so you feel comfortable turning in a solid bid and win more jobs.
I want to evaluate the performance of one of my estimator (your employee or a 3rd party). Can I send you their takeoff/estimate and you review it to see if it's accurate and done correctly?
Yes! This falls under our Consulting arm. We can review the takeoff and/or estimate for errors, accuracy, and completion.
How much does it cost for a takeoff or estimate and how long does it take?
Every job is different. Different quantities, different quality of drawings, different scopes. We can’t simply apply a set cost for any service. To get a free quote on cost and expected delivery for your project, click here.
How do we get started?
Click here to upload your project through our file upload system, fill out the required information, and click submit. One of our estimators will reply back with a proposed cost of services and when you can expect delivery. It’s that easy. If you have more questions, feel free to drop us a line or send us a text/call to 984-222-9087 and we’ll get back to you at warp speed.